Friday, October 27, 2006


Mindy has posted one of her great lists of things she is thankful for, which got me started counting my blessings. Right now I'm thankful for everyone who has so warmly welcomed me to RevGalBlogPals--this is such fun--and especially for your kind comments about my sweet girls. That really helped.

Another thing that helped was my realization, late Tuesday night, that although October 24 acquired a sad significance for us last year, this year it also marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of my first date with the Scientist! I wonder if we are the only couple who ever met in a Southern Baptist Sunday school class and later spent their first date dancing at a rock and roll club. Probably not!

I wish everyone who reads this could meet my amazing husband. I've never met anyone else like him. I agree with him and with our friend QG that "the Scientist" is a blah pseudonym for a not-at-all-blah person, but so far I haven't come up with anything better. (He says he would prefer "Finger of the Illuminati".) He really is a scientist by profession. He's also loving, loyal, funny, kind, a lover of books and of history, an adventurous travel companion, and an excellent teacher. He despises cant and posturing, but quietly and faithfully lives out the Good News in ways that make a practical difference in people's lives.

He has supported and encouraged me in every enterprise I've undertaken. When we met, he was intrigued but thought, "This won't go anywhere; she'll be leaving for graduate school before long." A little over a year later, we were married. A year after that, we struck out for California together. And the rest is our history.

When I think of everything for which I am thankful, he is always at the top of the list.


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh Zorra....I so want a man that is good like that.

I am so glad ya'll found one another.

Jody Harrington said...

Wow! You made me tear up!

We've just GOT to come up with a better name for the Scientist. That name just doesn't do his wonderful dry wit any justice.

DogBlogger said...

The Scientist sounds a bit like The Alpha, who is an engineer by trade, but also a middle school Sunday School teacher, doer of the Word and not a hearer only, and all-around amazing person.

Let us know if you ever travel up around DFW!

don't eat alone said...


I understand your gratitude. Whatever life is like, I get to come home to Ginger everyday -- my favorite person.
