The sweet alyssum has almost completely gone to seed now, and I should probably go ahead and pull it out. But the pansies and the cyclamen are still hanging on!

Our azaleas are nearly gone now. These pictures were taken a week or two ago.

If you look closely, you can see that azaleas of three slightly different shades were accidentally planted next to one another--but I think it was a happy accident.

This bougainvillea might not look like much compared to some you've seen, especially the ones I remember, cascading over tall white adobe walls in southern California. But this one is magnificent to us. The Scientist has alternately coddled and threatened it for years, and this year it has finally burst forth, blooming all over.

Please bear with me when I post all of these pictures; this is only my second spring to have a nice garden!
love the pics - i wish i liked to garden
beautiful flowers...we have some fabulous bougainvillea in Arizona...not sure if it will still be blooming when you arrive in Phoenix, but they plant it up and down the sides of the highways - down here where I live it's pretty too!
You have a beautiful garden!
Absolutely gorgeous! It's so nice to see bright, beautiful colors!
We got 3" of snow yesterday. We definitely need it, but still. :(
Bear with you? I'm grateful. It's still brown and dead here.
You asked about my header photo. They are roses, not peonies.
beautiful! I miss azaleas...
oh! real flowers! spring in the south, oh how I do miss it.
beautiful garden.....
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