Sunday, March 02, 2008

Calendar flip

Time continues to march on, and I am another year older. We celebrated yesterday with an afternoon of museum meandering, including the members' preview of the new Pompeii exhibit at the MFAH. I was a bit disappointed, but I don't know exactly why, or just what I expected the exhibit to include. It mainly included multiple cases of jewelry and small household items recovered from the site, along with several of the poignant and unsettling plaster casts made of the people--and even a dog, poor creature--who were unable to escape the volcano's eruption. At Pompeii there are so many of these casts that one can see them tucked away in storage areas next to random bits of pottery. Their pathos provides reminders that these were mothers, fathers, children, people not so different from us. A more amusing example of our common humanity was a mosaic from the wall of a tavern, with patrons yelling to the barmaid, "Here," "No, it's mine," and the weary barmaid's rejoinder, "Whoever wants it should come get it!"

Later we walked down the street to the crafts museum and enjoyed a traveling exhibit with everything from glass (our favorite) to handcrafted chairs to mid-twentieth-century silver teapots. We topped off the afternoon with an early dinner at a fabulous restaurant where locally-produced foods are emphasized. Barack Obama's local headquarters is across the street from the restaurant, and as we relaxed on the patio before dinner, we watched young staffers standing on the corner nearby, waving placards and cheering for their candidate as many passing motorists honked in appreciation (or so it appeared).

Two more days until the primary! I'm looking forward to seeing the results, and I will be so glad when the political phone calls stop!


Anonymous said...

I still remember driving by Pompeii on the way to Naples (many, many years ago). We couldn't get off the bus, but even so, it made a powerful impression.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Why did you not tell us it was your birthday???

Well happy late b-day!!

DogBlogger said...

Sounds like a lovely birthday! Happiness to you!

Looking forward to meeting you in a few short weeks....

recovering baptist said...

Thanks for the report on the exhibit. I intended to go but now know I don't have to stress my shcedule to make it.

I'm going to have to search out the Craft Museum since I'm not familiar with it.

I love those type of afternoons, the memory of such brightens a rainy morning.

Jan said...

Glad you had a pretty good birthday. Happy Bday late.

I voted already for the primary on the last day for early voting. So we'll see what happens tomorrow.

Rev Kim said...

Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration!

Mary Beth said...

Hipy Papy Bthuthdy!

Can't wait to see you SOON!

Diane M. Roth said...

Happy Birthday! sorry I'm late!

Karen Sapio said...

Belated Birthday Wishes! I'll look forward to your post-primary reflections.

Questing Parson said...

It's late, but the wish is the same: Happy Birthday. I admire people who have birthdays. I quit last year.

Stratoz said...

I too love glass.

as for the phone calls, it is time to brace ourselves here in PA. as for the candidates, may they not rip each other apart in their desire to win.