Here are some photos of our guest, Tessa Rose, the hedgehog. She sleeps during the day, and begins to stir around 10:00 P.M.

As you can see, she has a sweet little face. But those spines are sharp!

If you pick her up--no matter how gently--once the jumping and hissing subsides, she tries to curl up into a ball. As the Scientist says, her suspicion is understandable, since in her world, other creatures fall into two categories: those she can eat, and those that might eat her. We wondered how Amie would react to having her around, but Amie has shown no interest in her at all.

I think the real reason she doesn't like the Scientist is that he keeps calling her Spiny Norman.
Great pictures! I really didn't know anyone kept a hedgehog as a pet.
I never knew a hedgehog could be so cute! Good pictures--thanks.
Cuteness! I didn't realize they were poky enough to require gloves...
Glad Amie's uninterested!
So cute, doesn't look quite real. I too never heard of such a pet, and having worked with artists at Disney I though I'd heard of every kind of pet.
How can something that look so cuddly, not be?
so sweet.
Very cute...what an unusual pet.
Coincidentally, I just saw a hedgehog today. Two, actually. One (crean colored) is the pet of a teenager in our youth group, and the other (looks like the one in your picture) belongs to a friend and is being "babysat." Hedgehogs make me think of Alice in Wonderland and the croquet game where the hedgehogs are the balls and the mallets are upside-down flamingos. They are indeed cute little things, though the two I saw were so "balled up" it was hard to see the faces. SHARP though!
what a sweet face! I wish I could wrap my paws around her.
She really does have a pretty face. I had a friend who had one once. I tend to go for a more cuddly pet.
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